ASP Express
Beyond today's needs

Create an HTML Table based on your SQL query of a database
  1. Press the F2 key to bring up the ADO Connection Assistant
  2. In the Output Section, Click 'HTML Table'
  3. If this is to be a DSN-less connection, click the DSN-less Radio button and choose your Access database
  4. To build your SQL, click the Select Button to bring up the SQL Builder Assistant
  5. if you are using a DSN, choose your Access Database
  6. Otherwise, it's time to select the fields you want to show from the database
  7. For this example, we'll choose the Northwind database
  8. There is a pull-down list of table names under a pull-down list of Field names
  9. Choose your table and choose your field2, from which to pull the data
  10. Click the Add Field button to add any fields you want showing
    (Click the 'All' button if you want to show all fields)
  11. Make sure the correct table is still chosen and click the 'From' button
  12. Under the SQL section, click the 'Enter' button
  13. If you need to, you can narrow the list down with the Where Clause and Order by Sections
  14. Click 'Finalize SQL'
  15. You will see your SQL statement in the SQL text box
  16. if it's correct, merely click apply
  17. You're done!
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