ASP Express
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Create Output from a DB Table based on Form Input
  1. Click the Form Assistant Icon in the Button Bar to bring up the Form Assistant
  2. Fill in your Action ASP document & click the 'Apply' button
  3. In the Form Contents Assistant that comes up, choose the Form Fields you want
  4. When you've done with that, click the 'Exit' Button
  5. Either create a new page or, on the same page, place your cursor below the form
  6. Press Alt-A-Q to bring up the 'Request Assistant'
  7. The form's field names are automatically listed in the Request Assistant
  8. Here, you can choose to manually create your variables, based on the form fields or automatically create them
  9. In either case, you can choose the 'Replace syntax' to cover names or other items with an apostrophe or single quote mark
  10. Click the 'Apply' Button
  11. From here, you can make the ADO connection string and create an SQL statement to query a database based on the form input
    (see 'Create an HTML Table based on your SQL query of a database')
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